084f2db8c6 Sci. ^ 12 Cases of Cleanup & Success ^ "World's Worst Polluted Places Report 2009" ^ Scientific American ^ Reuters Global ^ Mustak Hossain (2006-07-13). Distribution of arsenic and trace metals in the floodplain agricultural soil of bangladesh. Nature 454, 505–508. R. Barros, J.O. Trends Anal. For soil samples, soil cores 20 cm in length were collected using the PVC pipes (van Geen et al., 2006) (Supplementary Figure 2).
^ Smedley, PL; Kinniburgh, DG (2002). Boro (dry season) rice requires approximately 1000 mm of irrigation water per season, which is promoting by 1 μg/g per year soil As concentration due to irrigation with As contaminated water (Meharg and Rahman, 2003). ^ M. (1995). Publisher of the most cited open-access journals in their fields. K., and Ramanathan, A. J. coli outbreak 1999 Sun Orchard salmonellosis outbreak 2005 Indonesia food scare 2006 North American E. As a solution, UNICEF and the World Bank advocated the use of wells to tap into deeper groundwater.
Halrev replied
437 weeks ago